Some SPSS techiques are based on the assumption that cases (rows) represent independent obervations and/or that related observations are recorded in separate variables rather than separate cases. If data file contains groups of related cases, you may not be able to use the appropriate statistical techniques (Paired Samples T Test of Repeated Measures GLM) because the data are not organized in the required fashion for those techniques.
CASETOVARS command combines the related cases and produces the new variables.
GET FILE='c:\sample.sav'.
/ID = ID_number
/INDEX = ID_person
/COUNT = famsize.
Income_1 "30K+"
Income_2 "40K+"
Income_3 "50K+".
Sort Cases sorts the data file by the variable that will be used to group cases in CASETOVARS command. The data file must be sorted by the variable specified on the ID subcommand of the CASETOVARS command. The ID subcommand of the CASETOVARS indicates the variables that will be used to group cases together. In this example, all cases with the same value for ID_number will become a single case in the restructured file.
Optional INDEX allocate all unique values of all non-ID variables. E.g.: only values of ID_number will be used to generate new variable. SEPARATOR subcommand specifies the character that will be used to separate original variable names and the values appended to those names for the new variable names in the restructured file. By default, a period is used. The COUNT subcommand will create a new variable that indicates the number of original cases represented by each combined case in the restructured file.
VARSTOCASES command creates the exact opposite. A simple excel file contains two columns of information: income for males and income for females. There is no known or assumed relationship between male and female values that are recorded in the same row; the two columns represent independent (unrelated) observations, and we want to create cases (rows) from the columns (variables) and create new variable that indicate the gender for each case.
[Excel input data]
Male_income Female_income
123 567
234 678
345 789
456 890
[/Excel input data][Syntax]GET DATA /TYPE=XLS /FILE = 'c:\sample.xls' /READNAMES = ON.VARSTOCASES /MAKE Income FROM Male_income Female_income /INDEX = GenderVALUE LABELS Gender 1 'Male' 2 'Female'.[/Syntax]
The MAKE subcommand creates a sinble income variable from the two original income variables. The INDEX subcommand creates a new variable named Gender with integer values that represent the sequential order in which the original variables are specified on the MAKE subcommand.
[SPSS dataview]
Gender Income1 1232 5671 2342 6781 3452 7891 4562 890[/SPSS dataview]